I received this email. I tried to respond, but it bounced back. So… I am responding here:
Hello — My son will be 12 1/2 at the start of the next school year. He (in fifth grade) took a class which covered the first six capitulums of your book, Lingua Latina (Oerberg). He seemed to do ok with the concepts of those chapters. Would you allow him into your online class for Lingua Latina? Thank you …..
Here is my reply:
Totally up to you. I warn people not to jump in too early, but naturally, I don’t know each child personally. I really leave it up to the parents.
We do read the book aggressively. We read the first 19 chapters in the first year, and we finish the book in the second year. I can do this only because I know students have the recorded classes if they fall behind.
In fact, I have quite a few students who use the previous classes only. In fact, many prefer this as they can move at their own rate. Students are always welcome to contact me if they have any questions.
Let me know if you need more help!
Have a happy Saturday!
Dwane Thomas