Henle Latin Grammar #739

I received this question: Hi. I have a quick question for you. My son and I are stumped on Henle’s explanation of intransitive verbs. In Henle grammar 739 it says that intransitive verbs take a sole object in the dative. The example sentence is “The wind...

How to type with Macrons… if you want to.

It’s no secret.  I am no fan of Latin macrons.  Silly stumbling blocks, in my opinion. I am not alone in this thought.  Cheryl Lowe of Memoria Press doesn’t care for them either.  Read her thoughts in this excellent...

Henle Latin again.

I received this comment: I’m looking for some help with my Latin study. I am a first year Classical Conversations Challenge B tutor. We are using Henle 1. This is my first year tutoring and also learning Latin. I’m not finding Henle very user-friendly for someone...