What are the online classes like?

One of the most frequent questions I receive on my site is this one: “What are the online classes like?” Fair enough. First of all, you should know that the online classes are designed for two types of students. First, the online classes are designed for...

Finding Ultra

Several days ago (June 19, 2017) I finished reading Finding Ultra, by Rich Roll. I’ve been wanting to read this book for several years.  Just never could find the time. Then, when my son, Jackson, wrecked in Colorado, I suddenly found myself with the time. I had...

After Visual Latin?

I received this comment: My 12 yr old has finished visual latin. What class should he go to next school year? Why do you suggest on classs over the other. Why do you teach Henle latin if you don’t suggest it? =================================================...

An amazing email…

While we were in Colorado, a subscribing family sent this phenomenal offer to me in an email.  They offered to send any books we liked.   Can you believe that?  Anyway, the reading list alone was so useful, I thought I would share it with all of you....

Student Patterns

It’s popular to attend college in America.  Either we all go, or think about going. I went to three colleges.  I attended Pensacola Christian College for a year.  I majored in pre-law.  Decided that wasn’t for me.  Transferred to the University of Alabama...


Next year, I plan to teach Henle 3.  This book is composed mainly of the writings of Marcus Tullius Cicero.  It’s going to be some seriously tough Latin.  That part I am not really looking forward to. Getting inside the mind of this amazing Roman?  That part I...