Word of the Day #70: Antediluvian

Antediluvian Antediluvian is a word we use to describe the period before the Flood described in the book of Genesis.  Ur, for example, was a city in antediluvian times. We also use antediluvian as an adjective to describe something hopelessly old-fashioned. For...

Word of the Day #65: Eucharist

Eucharist: the Christian sacrament of Holy Communion, the bread and wine used in Holy Communion.   This word made its way into English after a long journey through Greek, Latin, and French.   In Old French, Eucharist was eucariste.  Before that, in Latin, it was...

Word of the Day #62: Eucatastrophe

Eucatastrophe: a sudden turn of events for good.  Eucatastrophe happens when all seems lost, and at the last moment, all is saved.   J.R.R. Tolkien came up with this word.  He combined the Greek prefix eu (good) with catastrophe.  In one of his essays, he called the...

Word of the Day #61: Ignite

Ignite: to start a fire, to light up. In a Latin class today, we learned the Latin word for fire, ignis. From ignis, English derives the words ignite (to start a fire), ignition (this is why some grandpa’s ‘fire’ up the truck), igneous (rock formed via intense, fiery...

Latin pronuciation

I received this question a few days ago: Hi.  I got the Bible.is app. I’ve memorized part of John 1 with Classical Conversations. The version you like has a few differences in pronunciation. We say ‘prin-kip-io”. The app says...

Word of the Day #55: Voilà!

Voilà came up in class this morning as we were reading through Le Français par la Métode Nature. Voilà is a French expression meaning “Here it is”, “See there” or “Look there”. Ultimately, voilà derives from Latin videre (to see)...