by Dwane | Dec 12, 2016 | Latin, Motivation, Visual Latin
I received this email over the weekend: “Your classes have been wonderful, and for the first time Latin is actually making since to me and both my children. I am so thankful for you and your resources. Thank you, again, for all that you do because you are...
by Dwane | Dec 8, 2016 | Education, Latin
A 15 year-old girl sent a homework assignment to me. Here are the first three questions and answers: 1. Quid fecit Achilles? Hectorum ducem Troianum interfecit atque corpus eius mortuum post currum suum traxit circum moenia Urbis troiae. 2. Quid fecit...
by Dwane | Dec 6, 2016 | Education, Latin
You can join EVERY CLASS I teach with ONE simple subscription option. That’s correct. Subscribe once and you will have access to each and every class I teach. Not only that, all subscriptions are FAMILY subscriptions. Everyone in the family is welcome to enroll. I...
by Dwane | Dec 3, 2016 | Education, Latin
Like over 20 other Americans, I suffer from a desire to reach personal goals. Around this time of year, I start planning the next. William James once said, “Think in the morning. Act in the noon.” I’d like to add one more sentence. “Laugh...
by Dwane | Dec 3, 2016 | Latin
Henle Latin is full of some of the most brutal sentences you’ll ever translate. One of my students just included this note to any national security agency might be reading our emails: “To any NSA member reading this, no I’m not a terrorist who...
by Dwane | Nov 30, 2016 | Education, Italian, Latin
The other day, I received a sad email. Here it is: I am looking for someone to practise speaking with using the lingua Latina course as the basis.i have had two tutors but I am still not able to speak the language after 11 years of effort. Do your online courses help...