by Dwane | Oct 1, 2020 | Education, Latin
I received this question: We are using Visual Latin and really enjoying it. Do you have a Latin/English dictionary that you recommend? I see several on Amazon and was wondering if you prefer one. Thank you for your time. Here is my reply: As for...
by Dwane | Aug 10, 2020 | Latin
I received the following question: Do you know the day and time for Henle 2? Here is my reply: Once we start back up, we will meet daily, probably six days a week. This class will meet a half hour a day and will meet early. At least, that’s the plan. 6 am...
by Dwane | Jun 19, 2020 | Latin, Latin in Literature, Visual Latin
I received this email: We are homeschoolers studying Latin. We enjoy your program very much! My daughter would like to have a Latin Vulgate bible. We would like minimal commentary in the bible. Can you recommend one? Thank you! Here is my reply: Glad to hear you are...
by Dwane | Jun 16, 2020 | Ebook, Education, Latin, Motivation, Visual Latin
I wrote this back in 2015. I was still teaching in classrooms. It’s still true. ================================================= Yesterday, during class, one of my students asked this question: “Mr. Thomas. We’ve been studying Latin for three...
by Dwane | Aug 8, 2019 | Latin
This is going to get weird. Hang in there with me. Hopefully, it will all make sense. I have been studying Latin for 20 years. I still get the endings wrong. It’s ridiculous. Here is part of the problem… and, I think it’s a big part of the...
by Dwane | Jul 25, 2019 | Latin, Online Classes, Q&A
I received this question: How does your grading component work? Here is my reply: Ah. Grading. That tends to be a major headache no matter where you go for help. That would be one area where my site does stand out. I have spent untold hours creating tests for my...