Q&A – Visual Latin Lesson 20: Exercises 17 and 18

Q&A – Visual Latin Lesson 20: Exercises 17 and 18 I received this question: For questions 17 and 18 on the 20B worksheet in the workbook, the question’s answers don’t make any sense. For 17, “Eam videt,” is said to mean “He sees her.” Where does this “He”...

Word of the Day #118: Aestivate

I didn’t post all summer.  Maybe I should start calling this the “infrequent word of the day”. Anyway, now that school is back in I’m back. One of my favorite words is estivate, also spelled aestivate. To estivate is to sleep during the summer...

Tip of the Week #295: How to Stop Losing your Keys

I used to lose my keys all the time.  I can be a bit scatterbrained.  Then, I started attaching my keys to lanyards.  Honestly, I still lose my keys.  But, not nearly as often as I used to.  If you are having trouble keeping up with your keys, try attaching a bright...

Tip of the Week #294: How to Find the History of a Word

Etymology is the study of the history of words.  It also happens to be a passion of mine. In fact, a few summers ago, Compass Classroom and I created a rather ridiculous etymology show called Word up. When you look up a word in a dictionary, you get its definition....