Visual Latin is a professionally filmed series.  I do not personally sell it.  It is available here from Compass Classroom.

Once they have completed Visual Latin many of my students want to further their Latin studies.  That’s where the site comes in.

Every year I take students through several Latin books.  Lingua Latina, or First Year LatinSecond Year Latin by Robert Henle.

I try to keep the classes fun, and rigorous. But, these classes are not professionally filmed.  They are LIVE classes.  For the most part, students are simply watching the screen while I explained the difficult concepts in the books.

Students are free to ask us questions during class.  They are also free to contact me after class if they have further questions

Here are some examples of what class is like:

This is a class from the book First Year Latin by Robert Henle


I also provide extra videos to help with the exercises.


Since Henle Latin requires students to diagram sentences, I am now (August 2017) working on a diagramming series.  Here is lesson one:


This is a class from the book Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg.


By the way, I only charge per family.  A subscription grants access to every live class I teach. It also grants access to all of the previous class on my site.