I received this question:

We are counting Henle 1 as high school credit. What do you recommend we assess for grades? I can grade the assignments you assign, there are your weekly quizzes – what else do you recommend? Also, how do you recommend I grade the weekly assignments? So far, I have tallied up a word total for each sentence and then counted off for missed vocab, case or tense.

I am thankful for your Latin class and hope to take advantage of more of your online classes.

Here is my reply:

I wish I could keep grading.  I enjoyed interacting with my students.  Unfortunately, I just don’t have the time anymore.  I’ve been answering general Q and A emails for about 5 hours this morning. 

As my site has grown, the emails have grown.  I receive hundreds of emails a day.  There are two kinds of emails.  Half are from students whose work I grade.  The other half are general inquiry emails.  The general inquiry emails are requiring more and more of my time. 

I am working every day to build tools to help students check their own work.   I will be creating more quizzes and tests for my site.  I have already begun loading my own answer keys to my site, and I will be loading more.  These are free to subscribers. Over the past six, or seven years I have created a massive database of responses to my students.  These I am uploading to my site for my subscribers.  I also have forums where students are able to interact with other students and are able to check each other’s work.

You are doing the right thing.  Have her take the quizzes on my site. 

But, also, have her do the work assigned in the syllabus.  She (or you) can check her work using the Student Answer sections on my site.  You will find those here: https://dwanethomas.com/my-courses-2/

If you look in the Student Answer sections, you will find my notes (and point deductions) to students from previous years.  This should help.