It’s been a while since I have posted on my site.

About ten days ago, the most important page on my site took a direct hit.  I can no longer create, or edit tests.  When you are in education, that’s pretty important.  Even if you think the modern grading system is almost as silly as socialism.  Which is what I think.

Tech support is working on the broken page.  They have been for eleven days now.  I am really hoping they will figure this out.

In the meantime, I am turning old tests into backup files.  Just in case.

In the middle of this crisis (tiny crisis for you, big crisis for me), I am doing my best to stay calm.

One way to remain calm is to focus on things you are thankful for.  So, that is what I am doing.

I am thankful for much.  I will not list everything here.  Cake donuts and Key Lime pie are pretty high on the list.

But, seriously, I am thankful for those reading this.  I am thankful for those who support this site and those who join the classes.  Because of you, I am able to generate a decent living learning, studying, and teaching languages.  And, I love it!

Well.  Some of it.  I don’t love every class I teach.  (I am looking at you, Henle Latin.)

But, I do love the Lingua Latina classes and the Spanish and French “classes”.  (I put those “classes” in quotes, because really, they are not classes.  I am simply learning those languages publicly, and I have invited anyone to join me in the journey.)

And, I am thankful that I can still earn a living, and for the most part, be left alone to mind my own business.  For those who would like to end that by promoting one of the world’s dumbest ideas, socialism, I am thankful I can show them this picture:

It’s North and South Korea, of course.  The North is socialist/communist and the South is capitalist.

Given a choice, I think I’d rather live in South Korea.  But, maybe that’s just me.  I hear in the North they have free education.  Well, free education “camps” anyway.

I’m thankful I live in a capitalist country.  I hope it stays that way.

One more thing… If you decide to celebrate Thanksgiving with your entire family (which you should do), and the SWAT teams show up, just tell them you are having a quick snack before you head out for some totally legal looting and pillaging.

And, remember what Ben Franklin used to say, “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God.”

I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!