If you are bored the day before Thanksgiving and you want to look over a test for Henle 2 (because what could be more fun), then this is the post for you!
This is still up for comment. I will be posting it into the automated system in a few days.
Feel free to check it out. If you spot any problems, let me know in the Henle 2 forum.
- The Romans considered the Helvetians barbaric tribes. Barbaric comes from the Latin word: A) barbarus B) firmus C) plurimus D) idoneus E) proximus
- My aunt Barbara lives in South Dakota. Barbara is the feminine form of the Latin word: A) barbarus B) firmus C) plurimus D) idoneus E) proximus
- I like the proximity of our home to the mountains. Proximity comes from the Latin word: A) barbarus B) firmus C) plurimus D) idoneus E) proximus
- My grandparents believed firmly in thrift. Firmly comes from the Latin word: A) barbarus B) firmus C) plurimus D) idoneus E) proximus
- The ancients thought of the sky as firm. Sometimes older books will refer to the sky as the firmament. Firmament comes from the Latin word: A) barbarus B) firmus C) plurimus D) idoneus E) proximus
- Give the genitive singular of homo. A) homo B) hominis C) homini D) hominem
- Give the genitive singular of cohors. A) cohors B) cohortis C) cohorti D) cohortem E) cohorte
- Give the genitive singular of mater. A) mater B) matris C) matri D) matrem E) matre
- Give the genitive singular of mons. A) mons B) montis C) montibus D) montem E) monte
- 10. Give the genitive singular of pater. A) pater B) patris C) patri D) patrem E) patre
- 11.Give the genitive singular of pons. A) pons B) pontis C) ponti D) pontem E) ponte
- 12. Give the genitive plural of mons. A) mons B) montis C) montem D) montibus
- 13. Give the nominative singular of pons. A) pons B) pontis C) ponti D) pontem
- 14. Give the genitive plural of vox. A) voce B) voces C) vocum D) vocibus
- 15. Give the genitive plural of flumen. A) flumine B) flumina C) fluminum D) fluminibus
- 16. Give the nominative plural of flumen. A) flumine B) flumina C) fluminum D) fluminibus
- 17. The bridge A) pons B) pontis C) pontem D) pontes
- 18. The bridges A) pons B) pontis C) pontem D) pontes
- 19. The legion A) legio B) legionis C) legionem D) legiones
- 20. The legions A) legio B) legionis C) legionem D) legiones
- 21. The law A) lex B) legis C) legem D) leges
- 22. The laws A) lex B) legis C) legem D) leges
- 23. The light A) lux B) lucis C) lucem D) luces
- 24. The lights A) lux B) lucis C) lucem D) luces
- 25. River A) flumen B) fluminis C) flumini D) fluminia
- 26. In the name… A) in nomine B) in nomen C) in nominibus D) in nomina
- 27. with fear… A) in timore B) cum timor C) cum timore D) cum timorem
- 28. because of fear… A) in timorem B) cum timor C) ex timore D) propter timorem
- 29. in the river… A) in flumen B) in fluminis C) in fluminem D) in flumine
- 30. in the rivers… A) in flumen B) in fluminis C) in fluminem D) in fluminibus
- 31. because of the light…. A) in lux B) propter lux C) propter lucem D) propter luces
- 32. because of the lights…. A) in lux B) propter lux C) propter lucem D) propter luces
- 33. after the victory… A) post victoria B) post victoriae C) post victoriam D) post victoriis
- 34. after the victories… A) post victoria B) post victoriae C) post victoriam D) post victorias
- 35. You are in the city. In urbe ___________. A) estis B) eratis C) eritis D) fuistis
- 36. You were in the city. In urbe ___________. A) estis B) eratis C) eritis D) fuistis
- 37. You and I are in the city. In urbe ___________. A) sumus B) eramus C) erimus D) fuimus
- 38. There is water in the river. In flumine aqua ___________. A) est B) erat C) erit D) fuit
- 39. There was water in the river. In flumine aqua ___________. A) est B) erat C) erit D) fuit
- 40. She is coming to town. Ad oppidum ___________. A) venit B) veniebat C) veniet D) venimus
- 41. She was coming to town. Ad oppidum ___________. A) venit B) veniebat C) veniet D) venimus
- 42. We are in the river. In flumine __________. A) sumus B) eramus C) erimus D) fuimus
- 43. We were in the river. In flumine __________. A) sumus B) eramus C) erimus D) fuimus
- 44. The fiddler is on the roof. A) est B) erat C) erit D) fuit
- 45. The fiddler was on the roof. A) est B) erat C) erit D) fuit
- 46.There are trees in my yard. A) sunt B) erant C) erint D) fuerint
- 47. We are tired of this test. A) sumus B) eramus C) erimus D) fuerimus
- 48. We were tired of this test. A) sumus B) eramus C) erimus D) fuerimus
- 49. Okay. That’s it. This test is finally done. A) est B) erat C) erit D) fuit