During the month of July (2024) Compass Classroom and I are offering a series of free Webinars on Goal Setting.  Find out more right here: https://compassclassroom.com/shop/product/setting-goals-live-summer-2024/

To register for the next webinar, simply click here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/593896148620678999

The webinars are based on a book I wrote in 2023, No Goals, No Glory.  If you would like a free digital copy, click here: No Goals No Glory.

In case you missed the first webinar, here is the recording:






Books recommended during the second webinar:


Websites linked during the second webinar:







Reading just one hour a day will put you into the top 1%:  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/habit-put-you-top-1-experts-money-makers-stephen-keating

Books recommended during the third webinar:

Blogs recommended during the third webinar:






Books recommended during the third webinar:


Impressive older people who kept going:


For productivity: The Opal App: https://www.opal.so/