I’m back.  But, honestly, I don’t have a brand new invention.  I simply cannot think of the phrase “I’m back” without automatically thinking “…with a brand new invention.”  One of the many curses of growing up in the ’80’s.  Don’t know what I am talking about?  Just check this video out:

(Brace yourself.  Even if you thought it was cool back then, you are going to laugh now.)


Back to work.  I drove home from Colorado on Friday.  I nearly crashed when a car pulled up next to me on Interstate 70 with an “R U Mr. Thomas” sign in the window.  Heh.  Stopped to hang out for a few hours with some friends in St. Louis, and finally made it home late Friday night.

On Saturday, I woke up as sick as I could be.  Skipped the “tip of the week” and everything else, went back to bed and slept for two days.

But, now, I’m back.

In truth, I didn’t sleep the entire time I was laid up.  Wanted to.  But, couldn’t.

Here is my tip for you this week.

Keep a list of movies you want to watch someday.  Then, when you are sick, start making your way through the list.

This way, you don’t feel guilty for watching a bunch of movies, and your illness will be a bit easier to endure.

I have to admit, I didn’t watch movies while I was down.  Instead, I started watching a course on the Aeneid.  I will be teaching the Aeneid this year (Fourth Year Latin by Robert Henle).  I am not really looking forward to this course since the Aeneid tends to kick gluteus, but there is no turning back now.

If you are interested, the course on the Aeneid is really good.  If you are into the mythological origins of ancient cities, you might enjoy it yourself.  Then, next time you are sick, you can lay in bed learning about the mythical foundation of “eternal Rome”.  Check it out here: Old Western Culture.

Whatever you watch, watching something you have been looking forward to is a great way to fight the blues when you are down.


Okay.  I am finally going to do it.   I am starting a series of “orientation” classes this Thursday night at 7 PM central time zone.  If my site is confusing you, show up on Thursday.  I should be able to get some answers for you.  Unfortunately, since the redesign, I am often as confused as you guys.  Nonetheless, I will do my best to help you.   If you are confused about Latin, I can definitely help you there.  Show up on Thursday with your questions.  I will help you out.

Join the orientation class here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/5659467116556632834

There will be orientation classes every Thursday in September as well.  Join any of them.  You do not have to come to all of them.

Classes are still on.  We will start after Labor Day.  If you want to join an upcoming class, just go here: https://dwanethomas.com/join/.