For lots of reasons, I am moving the “Tip of the Week” to Monday mornings.  Saturdays are just too unpredictable for me.

If you think this is a terrible idea, just reply to this email.  I would like your feedback.

But, I would also like to be consistent.  So, for now… Mondays.

Now, as promised in the title, here are my top five resources for learning Italian.

1. My site:

I know.  That sounds terrible.  But, hear me out.  I have committed to showing up every weekday morning to read through a 750-page Italian book with my students.  By the end of the book, we will know over 5,000 words in Italian.  According to the authors, we will know 95% of all the Italian vocabulary we will ever need.  To date, showing up for this class each morning has been the most powerful move I have taken to learn Italian.  Maybe it could help you, too.  Of course, if you are a subscriber, you already have access to the current class and to the previous classes.  You have already paid for it.  It is already a resource for you.

2. DuoLingo.

I spend about a half hour every day on DuoLingo (sometimes more).  It’s free, and it’s fantastic.  Seriously.  Try it.  You will be surprised what you learn.  Plus… DuoLingo is a really good site for practicing pronunciation.

3. La Bibbia

As often as I can, I try to listen to the Bible in Italian.  No other book has been translated into as many languages, and sure enough, the Bible is available in Italian.  As always, audio versions of the Bible are read by some of the best readers on the planet.  Listening to the Bible and imitating the pronunciation is a great way to jumpstart your language skills.  You can do it with almost any language.  Here is the Bible in Italian:

4. Coffee Break Italian.

The Coffee Break series is fantastic.  You will learn the grammar of Italian (or, French, German, and Spanish) in a fifteen, or twenty-minute podcast.  If you have a commute, this is a great way to learn the grammar of Italian.

5. Italy Made Easy.

I have just recently discovered this site and have been using it quite a bit lately.   The teacher has quite a few videos on YouTube, and he also has his own site.   I have been recommending him to my students.  My students and I are 28 chapters into the book we are reading together and we have found that we are able to understand even some of his advanced videos.

So, there you have it.   If you have ever wanted to learn “La Bella Lingua” try any of the resources above.  And, remember.  If you are a member of my site, you already have access to the Italian class.