Even though John Gotto wrote this, “Who wouldn’t get bored teaching students who are rude and interested only in grades?” and even though I agree with him, what am I to do?

Incidentally, I don’t deal with very many rude students.  But on a daily basis, I deal with students only interested in grades.  It’s depressing.  I can teach you to read the New Testament in Latin or in Greek  But what of it?  Only one question seems to matter.

“Will I be getting an A?”  Sigh.

Every other day, I receive requests to grade the work of my students.  Nope.  No longer.  (If I am currently grading your work, I will continue to do so.  But, I am taking on no new graded work.)

Remember.  When students send their work to me, they send their work in the ancient Latin or in ancient Greek.  Could you grade that?  It’s harder than you think it is.

If a student sends sloppy careless work, I could spend an hour or two on a single email.   I sometimes receive hundreds of emails a day.  It is no longer physically possible to keep up.  If a half dozen lazy students send sloppy work, I am sunk for a week.  Happens all the time.

On the other hand, It takes me about two hours to create and publish a test.  My site will then grade your work automatically, and (Unless you cancel) track your grades.

Just published a test for Second Year Latin this morning.  Please let me know if you spot any mistakes.