Last week, I received this note from a student:

I have found an app that might be of particular interest to you and the rest of your students. It is called SPQR Latin Dictionary and Reader by Paul Hudson. It includes Classical Latin works and authors such as The Aeneid, Cicero, Ovid, and Livy. It also includes Christian authors Jerome, Augustine, and Venerable Bede. Some of the works have English translations that can be turned on to go underneath the text, while others do not. I believe the app costs around six dollars, but it is worth it.

Thank you for instilling the love of learning languages in my life.

Here is the app he is referring to:

There is a very helpful explanatory video here:


Don’t forget.  If you are stuck at home, and have decided to use the time to learn Latin, Visual Latin is on sale this week over at Compass Classroom.

Hope you all are staying well!
