Visual Latin or Henle Latin?

This week, I received this inquiry: “We currently own years 1 & 2 of Visual Latin. My daughter is enrolled in Classical Conversations where we use Henle. She is struggling and I am now wondering if we should hold off the Henle and complete years 1 & 2 of...


Amphora: Among the ancients, a two-handled vessel, tapering at the bottom, used for holding wine, or oil.  Sometimes amphorae, filled with oil, were awarded to victorious athletes in the games… which is why, even today, trophies take on an amphoral shape.  Amphora...


Phantasm: something imagined; an illusion, or apparition; something that seems to exist, but, in fact, does not. The Latin word for ghost is phantasma.  It comes from the Greek φάντασμα (a phantasm), which derives from φαντάζω (I make visible). The English word ghost...