Should we keep going in Latin?

I received this letter: Comment: Hi, My son is going into ninth grade and is taking Lingua Latina with you. He really enjoys it but also wants to learn other languages. We didn’t do a good job of passing on our Spanish to him and he wants to learn it before he...

Latin Lite

I received this letter: I am a 17-year-old high schooler (homeschooled) taking your Visual Latin course (I just finished VL1 and will soon be starting VL2). To start, I would like to say that your course is a lot of fun, and I am thoroughly enjoying learning Latin....

De Bello Gallico in Italiano.

I use this blog as a means of communication.  I use it to communicate with students and parents. From time to time, I use this blog to vent some of my frustrations. As none of my friends or family read my blog, it is a perfect place to hide my feelings in plain site....

Italian Chaos

I am likely going to begin taking tours to Italy at some point in the near future (2018…. maybe?). Rick Steves has been taking tours to Italy for years and years.  Here, he and a few friends explain the daily chaos that is Italy....

Italian so far…

I am learning Italian for two reasons. First, I am learning Italian to master Latin pronunciation. Second, I am learning Italian because… I want to learn Italian. Back to the first reason.  When I was first learning Latin, I looked high and low for a...