I think we all know that common sense is not always common practice.  

We know what we are supposed to do, and sometimes, we just don’t.

Here is my common sense tip of the week for you.


For years, I have struggled with stress.  Usually, financial stress.  Comes with teaching, unfortunately.

But, I recently rediscovered the cure to stress.  I knew about it.  I just ignored it.  

For the past month, or so, I have been forcing myself to go on a bike ride every day but Sunday.  Doesn’t matter if I want to.  Doesn’t matter if I am motivated.  Doesn’t matter if I feel up to it.  I just go.  I force myself to go.

And, sure enough, my stress has melted away. 

So, my tip to you this week is this.  Find time to exercise.  If you can do it, find time to exercise outside. 

We all know there are many, many benefits to exercise.  We all know we should do it.  But, we also know that common sense is not necessarily common practice.  


And now… some reminders…

I have been answering lots and lots of questions about the upcoming classes on my site.  We start next month, right after Labor Day.  So, Tuesday, September 3.  

All of the classes are now ready to go.  I finally set up all the links.  Registration is simple.   Go to this page: https://dwanethomas.com/live-classes/, find the class you want to attend (you can come to all of them if you want) and click on “Connect Now”. 

Enter the name of the student taking the class.  Enter your email.  And, that’s it.  You will be registered.

I have decided to offer a series of orientation / Q&A classes.  These will be free to anyone who wants to come.  The second one is this coming Wednesday at 4 pm Central Time Zone.

I will do my best to explain how my site works, and how the classes work. 

You are welcome to show up with any questions you have.

To join, simply click here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8581859079828336897

If you aren’t a member of my site but would like to join, click here: https://dwanethomas.com/join/


The early morning, daily Henle Latin classes back.  We are working through the exercises in First Year Latin and Second Year Latin by Robert Henle.  I want to add Third Year Latin as well, but that may come later in the school year.

Members of my site (who feel like getting up early for Latin) are welcome to join.  The links are on this page: https://dwanethomas.com/live-classes/

(You may now connect to the Tuesday and Thursday classes as well.) 

If you aren’t a member of my site but would like to join, click here: https://dwanethomas.com/join/


Speaking of classes, I am still getting lots of questions about the upcoming classes on my site.  

The final schedule is up.  You can check it out here: https://dwanethomas.com/class-schedule/

Unfortunately, due to the Henle Latin classes, I am still postponing Greek and Italian for a while.  A few people have asked about Greek, and one has asked about Italian.   So, I thought those were the classes to postpone while I try to finish the Henle Latin series once and for all. 

Once the school year is in motion, and once I have ironed out the problems, I will likely add those classes.  I typically add more classes as the year goes.  So, hang in there.  If you are missing Greek and Italian, just hang out on DuoLingo for a bit. 

I will bring Greek and Italian back on my site.  I am trying to master those languages, and have not dropped that goal. 


And, now, same thing I say every week… 

Subscribers sometimes use my weekly emails as reminders to unsubscribe from my site. 

That’s cool.  I get it.  I should unsubscribe from quite a few websites myself. 

But, keep in mind… I offer something no one else in academia (as far as I know) offers.  Stick with me for 3 uninterrupted years and you will have a lifetime subscription

I am sure this is a pretty dumb business decision on my part, but I have heard from many of you that it is a huge help, so, for now, the offer stands.  

And… for the fourth year in a row, I am NOT raising the subscription rate on my site.  

Of course, if you are just starting out in Latin, you may be happier with Visual Latin.   

Visual Latin is a full-blown Latin course.  It is rigorous, just not as rigorous as the classes on my site.  The classes on my site are more “next level” classes, really.     

If you are a subscriber, here is the schedule of classes I will be teaching this year: https://dwanethomas.com/class-schedule/

You are welcome to join any of them or all of them.  There are also many other classes available on my site that you can watch anytime.  No reason to wait around for a live class!

Again… if you aren’t a member and would like to join, click here: https://dwanethomas.com/join/

I hope you had a very happy Saturday!
