Good morning!

If you are looking for a used car, check out Kelly’s Blue Book.  My dad told be about this tip years ago.  Back then, there was still a book.

These days, it’s all online.  Here it is:

If you are buying a used car, is a useful site.   It may work with new cars, too.  I wouldn’t know.  I’ve never bought a new car. 

Here’s why I’ve never bought a new car:

If you are going to buy a used car, run the numbers on first. 

For example.  I was considering a Nissan Versa I saw a few weeks ago on Facebook marketplace.   The owner was asking $3,700.   

I missed it.  Was it a good price?  I wasn’t sure.

So, I plugged the variables into  2009.  Hatchback.  119,000 miles.  Good condition.   

It probably was a good deal. says the range should be somewhere between $3,500 and $4,000 dollars.

By the time I contacted the owner, it was gone.  Someone else snatched it up.  They probably got a pretty good deal.

But, without, I would have had no idea whether they got a good deal or not. 

I’ll find something else.  I am not in a rush.  Maybe I will wait until this whole inflation thing plays out. 


Just a heads up.  Christmas break is in two weeks.  There will be no classes from December 12, 2021 – January 3, 2022


The classes:

Here is what we are up to.  Since I record everything I teach, you are welcome to jump into classes any time.


Spanish – Monday-Friday 7:00 – 7:25 am Central Time Zone (CTZ).  
In Spanish, we are in chapter 23 of the book All Spanish Method by Guillermo Aviles.  If you are starting out this year, and you want to tag along, the previous chapters are all up on my site.  Subscribers have access to them 24/7.

Keep in mind I am still learning Spanish.  So, I am “teaching” this class.  The truth is… I am simply learning Spanish publicly.  You are welcome to join me. 

French – Monday-Friday 7:30 – 7:55 am CTZ.

We are now in chapter 9 of Le Francais par la Methode Nature.  Last year, I took students through the first 20 chapters, or so.  This time, we will try to make it to the end.  There are 50 chapters.  It will take a few years.  I do not intend to start over next summer.   

Keep in mind I am still learning French.  So, I am “teaching” this class.  The truth is… I am simply learning French publicly.  You are welcome to join me. 


If you really want to learn Latin well, and if you want to have a good time while doing it, read Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg.  Feel free to join the Lingua Latina class I am teaching every weekday morning.  We are currently in Chapter 7.

Latin 2: Monday-Friday 8:00-8:25 am CTZ

We continue to work our way through Exercitia Latina.  We are in chapter 24.  This class is really for those who want to go even deeper into Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg.  If you were in Latin 3 (Third Year Latin by Robert Henle), you would benefit from this class.

Latin 1: Monday-Friday 8:30-8:55 am CTZ

This year, we started Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg over again.  Enough people asked.  We are currently in chapter 7. 

Though I can’t believe it, every year some people come to every class I teach.  I guess they just like my voice.

So, if you decide to come to them all, here are the same classes from above in chronological order:

And now… the same thing I say every week.

Subscribers sometimes use my weekly emails as reminders to unsubscribe from my site. 

Just keep in mind… I offer something no one else in academia (as far as I know) offers.  Stick with me for 3 uninterrupted years and you will have a lifetime subscription

I now know this is a dumb business decision on my part, but I have heard from many of you that it is a huge help, so the offer stands.  

Of course, if you are just starting out in Latin, you may be happier with Visual Latin.    

Visual Latin is a full-blown Latin course.  It is rigorous, just not as rigorous as the classes on my site.  The classes on my site are more “next level” classes, really.  

By the way, if you are into etymology (the history of words), and if you would like to see me make a fool of myself, you might enjoy Word Up

Five years ago, or so, we launched this series just to see if it would work.  It did. 

And, after years of listening to many of you beg for more, I finally gave in and agreed to make a fool of myself once again. 

Volumes 2 and 3 of Word Up are available.  

And… if you aren’t a member of my site and would like to join, click here:

I hope you have a very happy Saturday!

If someone forwarded you this email and you would like to hear from me every week, just go to this page:

Scroll down a bit until you see my book, Via.  Enter your name and email and you will hear from me weekly.  You will also get a free copy of my book, Via