The question I receive most is not, “How did you learn Latin?”  Instead, the question I get most is, “How did you learn to make a living online?”

The answer is complicated.  To answer, I am writing a book.

For years, I have watched in dismay as digital marketers have sold courses answering the same question for “only” $1,997.

Oh, please.  When I was a financially struggling teacher, I had a hard time providing for my family.  I certainly did not have $1,997 to send off to some slick, digital marketer.  I doubt many teachers have $1,997 to send off to some slick, digital marketer.

While writing this book, I am learning a lot.  I started teaching online in 2013.  Things have changed quite a bit since then.

One of the easiest ways to make money online is by selling digital products, like ebooks.  And, so far, the easiest place I have found to sell those ebooks is

Last week, to test the process, I loaded my ebook Via onto  It really was easy.  Took me about twenty minutes.

Of course, this was just a test.  You can get the book for free over at my site.  Just go to this page and plug in your email:

But, if you do not want to join another email list, or if you just want to buy me a cup of coffee, you can now buy the book over at  Here is the link:

If you have written an ebook, a guide, or a list of ten useful tips for doing whatever, you can get it online and up for sale rather quickly over at


Almost every Saturday, I send out a Tip of the Week.  It’s just something I have picked up along the way that may make your life a little easier.  If you would like to hear from me (almost) every Saturday, just go to the home page of my site and plug in your name and email.   You will also get a free copy of my book on learning Latin (and almost anything else).  Just go here:

If you are interested in learning Latin, you can go through the classes on my site 24/7.  I recommend the book Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg.  If you tackle the book and find yourself bogged down, you may find the classes on my site helpful.  To join, just click here:

If you want a more professionally filmed experience, check out the best-selling DVD series: Visual Latin.

Or, if you want to skip Latin, and just jump right into learning English words from Latin and Greek roots, you may enjoy the series Word Up!  Warning.   Word Up! is a bit wacky.  You will learn a lot… but, you may find yourself rolling your eyes, too.

By the way, some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Not trying to pull a fast one on you. I only promote what I believe in.