Sometimes there just isn’t enough time in class to cover it all.

This has been a major problem with Second Year Latin by Robert Henle.  There just isn’t always enough time for the readings he assigns.

So, on Monday’s (until May) we are going to gather to read Caesar’s Gallic Wars together.  We will focus on the readings Mr. Henle assigns.  If you are in the Second Year Latin class, you do not have to come… but, you can come if you like.

Also on Mondays, I am going to pick up the “extra practice” classes I once taught for Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg.   The last time I taught this class, we stopped in chapter 5.  We are going to pick it up in chapter 6.  Again, if you are in the class, this extra practice class is not required.  But… come if you like.

Sorry.  This is not open to the public.  Subscribers only.

As for the word of the day class I was teaching, I am not sure that is coming back.  I fell sick for days and lost my motivation completely.  It may be under the bed.

If you want the links to the Monday classes, just contact me.