I received this question:

My son (9th grade) will be doing Visual Latin this year.  I am hearing conflicting info on whether VL meets high school requirements, some are saying it is used for college.  I homeschool, so I wish to ensure that my son has the high school foreign language requirements met.  

Here is my reply:

Visual Latin does stand alone as a high school credit.  If you watch all the videos and do all of the worksheets, it certainly stands alone.

However, one way to go way beyond, and really get a grasp on Latin at the same time, is to add the book Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg.  I wouldn’t add it until completing lesson 17, or so, in Visual Latin.  

Lingua Latina is a novel written completely in Latin.  There is nothing quite like it.  It takes kids from beginning Latin to advanced Latin in one volume.  It isn’t easy, of course, but it works.   This book is used all over Europe to teach Latin, and is used in some American high schools and colleges.  It more than satisfies the requirements.  

The problem with the book is there is no English instruction.  This is where Visual Latin comes in.   The explanations in Visual Latin will guide you through Lingua Latina 

And, finally, here are some blog posts on Visual Latin and the high school credit problem:  https://dwanethomas.com/?s=high+school+credit

Let me know if you need more help!