I received this question:
Hi Dwane, We are ditching Henle Latin and want to start Lingua Latina. Which books do we purchase to begin your class? We are finishing 2nd year of Henle Latin 1.
Here is my reply:
I try to keep it pretty simple. You could spend a lot of money on Latin. It just isn’t necessary.
Here is what you need: Lingua Latina (just click the name of the book).
Vocabulary is going to be a problem. Lingua Latina teaches students almost 2,000 words. (By comparison First Year Latin by Robert Henle teaches 497 words.) This free page will help you with vocabulary: https://quizlet.com/subject/Lingua-Latina/
Or, if you want something you can reference whenever you like, there is this free download: https://dwanethomas.com/vocab-for-lingua-latina/
If you want to listen to the book, there are a few audio options available here: https://dwanethomas.com/recommendations/
If you have Visual Latin, this free guide will help you connect Lingua Latina concepts to Visual Latin lessons: https://www.compassclassroom.com/lingua-latina-teaching-guide-pdf
Let me know if you need more help!
Dwane Thomas