I read a lot.   Comes with the territory, I suppose.  During the school year, I try to focus on Latin, German, Greek, French, and Spanish.  But, I often get distracted by English.

To combat this, I divide the day by languages.  In the morning, I focus on French and German.  In the afternoon, Spanish.  And in the Evening, English.  Reading in English gives my mind a break at the end of the day.  That’s the idea anyway.  Doesn’t always happen.

These days, I’ve been reading Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War by Peachy Keenan.

I have a wife and four daughters. Hence the reason I picked this book up.

In our circles, focusing on the home is generally a chore at worst and an afterthought at best.  Drop the kids off at preschool as soon as possible. This lets you get back to the real work out there.  Away from home.  You know, answering emails. Creating reports.  Important work like that.  Let strangers raise your kids so you can focus.

Spend as much time as possible in school/college so you are prepared for the important work in life… which is almost anything except staying home to raise your own children.

Peachy Keenen takes a wrecking ball to this worldview.  She shows no mercy.  And she does it all with wit.  I am impressed.

By the way, if you are easily triggered, I recommend you do not read this book.  I doubt you will be able to handle it.

However, if are at home, surrounded by kids, wondering if you are doing anything important with your life, read this book.  It contains the encouragement you need.

Honestly, this is a tough, convicting book.  Parts of it were difficult for me.  And yet, I recommend it.

This is the type of book we need right now.


Almost every Saturday, I send out a Tip of the Week.  The tip of the week is usually something I have picked up along the way that may make your life a little easier.  If you would like to hear from me (almost) every Saturday, just go to the home page of my site and plug in your name and email.   You will also get a free digital copy of my book on learning Latin (and almost anything else).  Just go here: https://dwanethomas.com/

If you want to buy the digital book instead (because you just feel like buying me a cup of coffee) go here: https://dwanethomas.gumroad.com/l/fzixlh

If you are interested in learning Latin, you can go through the classes on my site 24/7.  I recommend the book Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg.  If you tackle the book and find yourself bogged down, you may find the classes on my site helpful.  To join, just click here: https://dwanethomas.com/join/

If you want a more professionally filmed experience, check out the best-selling DVD series: Visual Latin.

Or, if you want to skip Latin, and just jump right into learning English words from Latin and Greek roots, you may enjoy the series Word Up!  Warning.   Word Up! is a bit wacky.  You will learn a lot… but, you may find yourself rolling your eyes, too.
I teach other languages on my site, too.  The current schedule is here: https://dwanethomas.com/live-classes/

By the way, some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Not trying to pull a fast one on you. I only promote what I believe in.