I received this inquiry:
“I will be tutoring CC henle 2 class next year. I have 2 students of my own who have finished henle 1 and are far better in latin than me. I will be studying Henle 1 intently through the next couple of months. What will your online Henle 2 class provide per student? I have never attended or had my kids attend an online class. Also, I need to prepare for Henle 2 and wondered if you had something for me to help prepare? or is it an option to listen to class as they attend online class in the fall. or do I need to attend as a separate student? Thank you for your help.”
Here is my reply:
In the Henle 2 class, we will read through the entire text. Students are required to send to me homework each week. They will translate one of the exercises located in the later section of the book. They will receive grades, and notes from me.
You are more than welcome to attend. Will students be joining the class at home, or will you watch class together?
I require each student to join individually, but am happy to include you at no price. Unfortunately, because of the amount of time I spend emailing students (which is why I am late in responding to you, actually), I simply cannot allow students to join for free.
In the online class, students will join class. They will see my screen in front of them. I will have a copy of Caesar’s Gallic wars (Henle 2) on the screen. We will work through the text together. I will help students with difficult sections. They wlll be required to translate and interact during class.
Let me know if you have any more questions.