I received this note:

Hi Dwane,

Hope all is well man!

I have to say I really miss the Latin classes with you Dwane.  Since I finished VL2 in December I am trying to learn French. 

I found a website called French 4 me/French with Vincent that has 4 grammar courses.  While the tutor and lessons are good, I really don’t like learning the language that much.

I’m not sure why but I just don’t have the same interest in it as Latin.

I’m not sure what to do now. I was thinking of learning Russian as I have a greater interest in that but I’m a bit lost.

Any tips?


Here is my reply:

Ah.  I wonder if you are missing the human element….

I discovered ‘learn French with Vincent” years ago, and hope to go through much of it soon.  (I am just starting to learn French). But, sadly, the videos can be a bit impersonal, I am afraid.  Nothing wrong with them.   Just a different format.

I think if you want to go for Russian, go for it.  Motivation is a huge factor.  I was excited about Italian a few years ago but now have grown rather bored with it.  As a result, it is terribly difficult for me at the moment.  Not sure what happened to me. February, I think.  Trying to turn things around.  

Of course, a change of tactics may help as well.  

Have you looked at Coffee Break French?  It’s a podcast series.  I have only used the free podcasts, but they are really, really good.  Plus, they have a Facebook community you can join.  Here is the site: https://radiolingua.com/coffeebreakfrench/

Also, I find reading to be extremely beneficial and enjoying.  There is a graded French reader in the style of Lingua Latina.  I have read most of the Italian version.  I am looking forward to reading the French version.  You may find it helpful: https://dwanethomas.com/french-resources/

I hope these two links help.  Unfortunately, I have absolutely no advice for Russian as I have never even considered learning the language.

Hope you are having a great day!

Dwane Thomas