Happy New Year, everyone!

Bill Myers is the online video, product development, and marketing guru.

Last year, he wrote a short guide to setting up resolutions for the New Year.

As you know, I am a fan of New Year resolutions.  Only if they are done correctly, though.  Here is how to set them up correctly:

Six Resolutions for the New Year 

1. Write down a list of the specific things you want to accomplish in 2013. Not monetary goals, but specific goals like ‘write a book’, ‘produce a DVD’, ‘upload 20 videos to YouTube’, etc. The more specific the goal, the more likely you’ll actually achieve it.

2. Develop and pursue a ‘template of success’ to reach your goals – Search out others who have succeeded at what you’re trying to do, and use their steps as your own roadmap to success.

3. Specialize in something – If you want clients and customers beating a path to your door, specialize in a skill that they’ll need and likely not have themselves.

Make yourself the ‘go to’ person within your specialty and your clients will appreciate it.

4. Start thinking about the long term – Ask yourself, “Where do I want to be five years from now?”

And then, “What do I need to start doing today in order to reach that goal?” Whatever your answer, think about and start following a plan to get you where you want to be.

5. Be ready to adapt to changing conditions. – Life is full of unexpected surprises – some pleasant and some not so pleasant. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and be adaptable as the world changes around you.

6. Never forget that life is for living – Don’t let the pursuit of money or possessions cause you to lose your family, your health, or your personal freedom.

You can always figure out a way to make money, but you can’t always figure out ways to regain lost relationships, good health, or get out of jail.

So keep things in perspective. Value your family and relationships, build for the future, but don’t let life pass you by. www.bmyers.com