Last year, when I was grading my students’ work, I would get this response from time to time. I don’t know. Here is my standard reply: IDK.  If ever you encounter questions you cannot answer, check the “Student Answers” section under the “Members” tab of...

How to tick me off.

I spent twenty years in the classroom.  What a silly place. And, I hate the word silly.  I never use it.  Unless I am looking at academia. In school, we punish kids for failing. In life, we learn by failing. One of my favorite quotes is by Richard Branson, founder of...

I no longer want to be popular.

I received this email: Your classes…  I’d like to promote them…  Is there an affiliate link I may use?  (I’m a Visual Latin affiliate.) And, can folks try the classes for a month and then cancel if necessary?Thanks! Here is my reply: Yes.  Join...

I do not make these up. Promise.

Still trying to catch up on emails.  This one made me very happy! “As I’ve told you many times, you made Latin possible for this home schooled family!  When my daughter requested to study Latin, I was so against it.  I made her study Spanish.  With no interest,...

Fat chance. Oh well. It’s the thought that counts.

“Three years ago, our local football team here in Seattle won the NFL championship. Leading up to the Super Bowl game and afterward was an orgy of celebration, a non-stop display of team jingoism. Every other car, home, and shop had a “12th Man” banner. Half the...