On the road again…

Guys, I will not be around today.  My grandfather turns 90 today.  I will spend much of the day driving to a party for him. While I am on the road, here is a repost.  Of course, if you have never read this… it is a new post. It is an answer to the most common...

Online Vocabulary Class?

I am thinking of offering a new class in the spring. There are so many English words that come from Latin and Greek roots.  Really.  Once you start digging, it is astonishing what you find. Growing up, I had no idea how influenced our language was by Classical...

The Flu

Influenza: an epidemic catarrh. Naturally, you know what a catarrh is. Neither did I. A catarrh is an inflammation of the nose and throat. It is from the Greek κατάρροος, which is basically a “head cold”. Kατάρροος means, “I flow down.” Just use your imagination....

Amphoric Sound

Amphoric sound – a sound made by blowing across the mouth of a bottle or jug.  In medical terminology, amphoric sound is an abnormal, resonant, hollow, blowing sound heard with a stethoscope over the thorax. It indicates a cavity opening into a bronchus or a...


Amphora: Among the ancients, a two-handled vessel, tapering at the bottom, used for holding wine, or oil.  Sometimes amphorae, filled with oil, were awarded to victorious athletes in the games… which is why, even today, trophies take on an amphoral shape.  Amphora...