Which Latin pronunciation?

I get this question all the time.  Do you think it would be confusing for a student to do both pronunciations? My kids (age 11 and 13) will be doing a class next year that uses Classical pronunciation but I would love them to be able to use some of the resources that...

From Henle 1 to Henle 2? Henle 3?

I received this question: My daughter is going to be enrolling in Classical Conversations for the very first time, going into Challenge 3 where the class will be completing the last part of Henle 2 and then starting Henle 3. I don’t think she is really going to...

After The Latin Road?

I received this question: I have a son who is almost 12 and has completed The Latin Road volume 1 and most of volume 2. His brain seems to compute Latin well. Do you think he would be a candidate for one of your classes, or should he hold off? I was planning on him...

War Commentaries of Caesar

You kids today.  I am so jealous. When I moved to Germany as a teenager, I decided to learn German.  Someone gave me a set of language learning cassette tapes.  This, kids, is a cassette tape: There were twelve cassettes in the course.  I was glad someone gave the...