Why did I learn Latin?

Why did you learn Latin? Now and then, someone will ask me, “Why did you choose Latin?”  I’ve always been fascinated by history.  When I was younger, I read avidly.  For the most part, I read biographies.  I particularly enjoyed the biographies of early American...

Choose You this weekend.

Do you spend a lot of time watching television? Turn it off. According to the United States Department of Labor, Americans spend almost 3 hours a day watching television. I have seen higher numbers on on other sites. But, hey, let’s give our fellow countrymen the...

Be Grateful.

Here is a reminder I could use every day. One Step Program for a Better Life By Bob Irish A few years back, author and fitness guru Dr. Marcia Hootman was in a tailspin. She was headed for divorce, her health was suffering, and her teenage son had become increasingly...

Have an amazing day before noon.

“Trying to focus all day is impossible. I learned early in my life that if I got up, ate right, exercised, had spiritual time and then spent just four hours working on my top priorities that it would drive my professional life forward. This has worked for me and for...

Change Your Destiny, Starting Tonight

Seven years ago, I was foreclosed on.  My family had wiped out financially. My wife and I are extremely frugal.  We always have been.  I taught in a small private school.  I earned about $28,000 a year.  She stayed home with the kids.  No matter how hard we tried, we...