Bella Italia

Now and then, someone asks me to take them to Italy.  “You should lead tours to Italy, Mr. Thomas!” Ther is only one problem.  I have never been to Italy. I was once a spelunker.  I have explored more caves than I could  count.  I could take you into some...

A rare Sunday post.

I generally do not post on Sundays. However, I teach Sunday School, and this morning, I told my class that I would post the following videos on my site.  We have been talking about the book of Acts and the beginning of the spread of the gospel. Like it or not,...

Homeschooling and Math…

I received this comment and question: I would love to tell you that your class knocked it out of the park.  My son was engaged and excited each Monday night for his Latin class.  He loved when you called out his name and answered his questions.  Please consider doing...

The End of the World

Some of my friends, disturbed by trouble in the Middle East, think the world is about to end. Well, if so, here is a video to comfort us all. (John Oliver is usually not family friendly, but this video would pass the...

A funny collapse.

I am sadly watching Europe collapse.  Europe is home to me.  Born in Oxford, and raised primarily in England, Holland, and Germany, I can’t wait to get back. I work hard.  In many ways, I work hard so that I can afford to go back.  I miss home. This letter made...