by Dwane | Nov 5, 2016 | Education, Tip of the Week
Recently, several students sent me some sloppy writing. I had to send them a rather hard email. You may find some helpful tips here. Here’s the email: ================================================= First of all, run everything you write through Grammarly....
by Dwane | Oct 31, 2016 | Tip of the Week
I failed to send a “tip of the week” last Saturday. I started the morning by responding to emails, and by grading student work. Four hours later, I was done. And, I was burned out. Generally, I don’t start the day this way. Instead, language study...
by Dwane | Oct 22, 2016 | Tip of the Week
At some point, every parent asks every kid, “Do you think money grows on trees?” It’s just something parents do. It turns out, money does grow on trees. These days, the trees are shedding their leaves. Naturally, someone has to rake them. Those...
by Dwane | Oct 15, 2016 | Motivation, Tip of the Week
If you are thinking of moving, the following site will help: You can compare major cities to one another. For example, I compared Nashville, Tennessee (where I live) to Athens, Greece (where I would love to live) and found out...
by Dwane | Oct 8, 2016 | Motivation, Tip of the Week
They say there is another recession coming. Let’s hope not. I have plenty of bad memories from the last one. Now may be the time to become a “chicken entrepreneur”. What am I talking about? I first heard of this concept when I read Michael...
by Dwane | Oct 1, 2016 | Tip of the Week
I didn’t send a tip of the week last week. I have no good excuse to offer. It’s pretty simple, really. I forgot. So, this week I’m going to wrap two into one. But first, a little background. If you ever want to put me to sleep, don’t bother...