Keep those videos

Have you ever watched a video and thought to yourself, “I have got to show this to Ricardo later?” Only if you have a friend named Ricardo. Of course, you may have other friends you want to show the video to.  If you are using Firefox as your browser,...

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope 2015 was good to you and that 2016 will be even better! Before life gets crazy busy again, I suggest you sit down and write a list. What would you like to accomplish this year?  Is there something you...

Is that site safe?

Is that site safe? I didn’t send a tip last Saturday.  Instead, I drove all day.  Holiday travel. So, here I am on a Monday morning. If you are like me (and I know I am), you may prefer to shop online. However, you may feel a twinge of fear each time you enter...

Thank you!

Merry Christmas! It’s the last Saturday before Christmas. It’s also late o’clock. Not many of you will read this.  That’s fine. You are spending time with your families.  So am I. Maybe that is what makes this everyone’s favorite time of...

Get out of school!

According to author Tony Buzan, “Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill.” Oh, I don’t know.  I think learning to duck is life’s most important skill.  Helps you avoid stray gunfire. Still, I understand what Mr. Buzan means....

The Wayback Machine

This was a tip from Bill Meyer’s Tip of the Week. Thought you might enjoy it as well. =================================================== Using the Wayback Machine  Have you ever wondered how long a particular web site has been around? Or what it looked like...