Letter of the week. :-)

Last week, I received this note. Thank you thank you thank you!We are back to Classical Conversations after 2 years off.I hadn’t expected to come back and your videos are a total life saver!I have a student in Henle 2 and Henle 4, and although it is too late for...

You get where you are going, as it turns out.

“And so here we are, right on schedule. It turns out that, however you might wish otherwise, you eventually wind up wherever it was you were going. If you get on the plane to Chicago, and I would urge you to follow me closely here, you are going to land in Chicago. We...

Tip #227: Check email last

Here’s a tip I learned years ago from Michael Masterson’s book The Pledge, which I read again this week.  (I do not recommend this book for kids, or teenagers, by the way.) Check your email last. I understand not everyone can do this. Some jobs will not allow it....

The books I recommend.

Lately, I’ve been getting more questions about the books I recommend.  This post is a response to that question.  I will update and add to this post as my recommendations change. As for the literature books I’d recommend…. a little background first. I was...

Tip #226: How to listen to audiobooks for free

A few weeks ago, a reader suggested I check out Hoopla. Here is what J.L. suggested:  Dear Mr. Thomas, I don’t know if you have sent a weekly email about this yet, but I highly recommend the app Hoopla. You just install it and give it your library card number...

How I review

We are coming up on a new month.  If you are reading through Lingua Latina, or Le Français par la Métode Nature, here is a good way to review what you have already...