Lingua Latina… Where do I begin?

At least once a month, someone will contact me with this question: “What do I order if I want to start reading Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg?” This is a good question. After all, Lingua Latina is completely in Latin.  If you try to order it, there is a very...

What does Visual Latin cover?

Well, Latin, of course! 🙂 Every now and then I get a question about the content of Visual Latin. Here is what the course covers: Specific lessons include: A. Why Study Latin? B. How Does Visual Latin Work? 1. Being Verbs Basics | To Be and Not to Be 2. Being Verbs...

Free help with Latin

If you are learning Latin, you know all about those complicated Latin endings! Need some free help with Latin? I actively teach Latin and Greek for over 20 hours a week, every week.  I spend another 10 hours a week grading. My students constantly trip up on the...

Lesson 16 confusion

I received this comment: My daughter can’t seem to get past Lesson 16. (We have had a lot of family/personal/computer issues going on this year so we had to put Latin aside for a few weeks off and on.) My daughter can not seem to grasp Lesson 16 with the ablative and...


One frustrated Visual Latin user contacted me.  She felt she was not getting enough review.   Here is my response: First of all, I apologize for the frustration I have caused. Just so you know, we offer an ironclad money back guarantee.  If you find that Visual Latin...

I didn’t feel like typing…

I received this question this morning: Please explain why animalia laeta sunt is correct. Animalia appears to be plural but laeta is singular. Also on the same 10C lesson: Deus complet opus. Why isn’t opus a direct object and hence opum? Thanks! Because I just...