
Not every word made it into the new series, Word Up.  There are so many that didn’t make it, that I have decided to start a new Chalkboard playlist! Let me know what you...

Ab initio

Ab initio: from the beginning; from the start. In law, ab initio may refer to the time a legal document becomes, well, legal. In science, ab initio points to first principles, or basic laws. Ab initio is a Latin phrase, meaning (you guessed it), from the beginning....


Aversion: an intense dislike; opposition of mind; disinclination; reluctance; hatred. Derived from Latin ab (away) and vertere (to turn), the literal meaning of this word is: to turn away. Example: She had a deep aversion to broccoli.


Abstraction: Dealing with ideas rather than events. Abstraction is also a state of mind occupied by abstract ideas.  When we consider the branch of a tree by itself, or the color of leaves, as separate from their size or shape, the act is abstraction.  When we...

Don’t try this…

Abstain: to withhold oneself; to refrain from voluntarily; to refrain from indulgence. I attempted to abstain from chocolate and coffee once.  Ah… to be young and foolish again. Abstain comes from Latin ab (away) and tenere (to hold).