
Acronym: A word created from the first letters of other words.  For example: NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration. BOOK – Box Of Organized Knowledge CLASS – Come Late And Start Sleeping PHD – Please Hire.  Desperate. From Greek...


Acid: When an adjective, Acid means: sour, sharp or biting to the taste, having the taste of vinegar, as in acid fruits. When a noun, an Acid is a chemical substance that neutralizes alkalis From Latin acidus: sour, bitter, or tart.

The Maple Tree

Quercus acerfolia: The oak with sharp leaves.  This particular tree, sometimes called the the maple-leaved oak, is native to the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, in the United States. Quercus is the Latin word for “oak”.  You have seen the word before in the name of a...


Acrobat: An athlete able to perform daring gymnastic feats; a gymnast; a tightrope walker, a funambulist.  There is a secondary definition of this word.  An acrobat could also be someone known to change his mind, or allegiance. From Greek ἀκροβάτης (walking on...