How to add the Greek alphabet to your keyboard.

Here is a very helpful article from DuoLingo: I hope to start filming the recording of the Greek class in October.  Meanwhile, join DuoLingo, jump into the Greek class and start practicing pronunciation. You will need to know how to type in Greek. Follow the...

Greek is finally up!

The last time I checked, DuoLingo was not planning to release Greek until October 1.  (I have been waiting since March.) Yesterday, I randomly decided to check.  To my surprise, there it was, ready to go.  Already there are about 20,000 learners!  Yes! This morning, I...

Docendo discimus.

One of the fastest ways to learn anything is to teach what you want to learn. There is an old Roman proverb, docendo discimus.   It means, “We learn by teaching.” I live by this motto. When I decided to learn Latin, I volunteered to teach Latin. When I...