Lingua Latina Quiz 21

Feel free to tinker around with this.   Let me know if you spot any mistakes.   Feel free to offer suggestions… or even compose your own questions: Num Sextus, Marcus, Titusque boni pueri sunt?     A) Marcus solus bonus puer est.     B) Iulius et Sextus boni...

Midterms and Finals.

Recently, someone asked if there were midterm exams, or final exams for Visual Latin. Here is my reply: Here is my reply: Currently, there are no “official” midterm exams or final exams.   However,  I recommend taking quiz/test 30 as a midterm exam, and quiz/test 60...

Tests and Quizzes.

Let me ask a question. Did you take a bunch of tests and quizzes in  school? Here is another question. Did those tests and quizzes prepare you for life? I took a bunch of tests and quizzes in school.  Over time, I became quite good at taking tests. Then, I graduated....

Lingua Latina tests and quizzes…

I received this series of questions: I am a bit confused about the comment on page 6 under the Heading #4 in the Visual Latin teacher’s guide, “Tests are designed to be used only with VL after completing all three sections. If you are using Lingua Latina,...

Online quizzes?

 I received this question: We have a question about the recorded lessons…it seems that the families that signed up for this audit option are able to access the graded quiz at the end of the lessons…AND they must submit it before they can move on to the...