One Backpack

Next week, my family and I are flying back to Athens, Greece. Long story short, a local mission organization found out that I possessed a British passport.  They needed a European to manage their work among the refugees in Greece.  So, they contacted my family, we...

Wake up and drive.

Years ago, I fell asleep at the wheel.  I totaled my car.  With my family in it.  No one was injured.  I thank God every time I think about that night. It should not have happened.  I will do everything in my power to ensure it never happens again. My son and I are...

An army of one

This is less a tip of the week, and more an apology. Back when I started my site, I didn’t have the money to hire anyone.  So, I designed my site myself.  You can probably tell just by looking at it. I set out to design a beautiful, sleek, muscular stallion....

Mile IQ

I drive some beat up old cars.  In fact, not long ago, one of my daughters quickly found my car in a crowded parking lot.  I asked her how she did it.   She replied, “It was easy, Dad.  I just looked for the rough among the diamonds.”  Heh. The odometer on...


Many of you know that I was born and raised in Europe.  My family moved back to the U.S. when I was 18. For years, I wanted to go back to Europe.  By 19, or 20, I was planning my return. Last year, after a wait of 26 years, I returned. There are many, many reasons it...