
Enigma: someone, or something mysterious, puzzling, difficult to understand.  A riddle. Here’s an enigma…  What word in the English Language is always spelled incorrectly? From Greek αἴνιγμα (dark saying, riddle).


Acidic: a substance containing acid; a sour or sharp taste. Acidic may also describe a remark or comment.  An acidic comment is a cutting comment.  When you notice a co-worker on Facebook, you might mutter an acidic comment.  “Hashtag. Do your job.” Acidic comes from...


Acrophobia: fear of heights. There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.  And heights.  And public speaking.  And spiders… especially spiders. From Greek ἄκρον (height, summit, peak), and and φοβία (fear).


Acidosis: high acidity in the blood, or body fluids.  Delicious junk food = high acidosis.  Sigh.  Cruel world. Acidosis comes from Latin acidus: sour, bitter, or tart.


Acronym: A word created from the first letters of other words.  For example: NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration. BOOK – Box Of Organized Knowledge CLASS – Come Late And Start Sleeping PHD – Please Hire.  Desperate. From Greek...