
Acrimonious: angry, bitter, acerbic; bitterness of expression proceeding from anger. From Latin acer, acris (bitter, pungent, sharp, sour) and the suffix monium (state, or condition).  Acrimony, then, is the “condition of being sour.” Example: After the acrimonious...

No smoking, please.

Acapnotic: a non smoker.   From Greek ά (not, without) and καπνός (smoke). Want to tell your friends “No, thanks!” without being rude?  Tell them you are acapnotic.  They will think you have a medical condition.  And, you will smile at your...


Acrimony: harsh, or biting sharpness; bitterness, ill will; severity  From Latin acer, acris (bitter, pungent, sharp, sour) and the suffix monium (state, or condition).  Acrimony, then, is the “condition of being sour.” Example: In his official letters he expressed,...


 Achillea millefolium: yarrow; the milfoil. From Greek Ἀχιλλεύς (Achilles) and Latin mille (1,000) and folium (leaf). Literal translation… the plant of one thousand leaves. According to legend, Achilles and his men used this plant to staunch the flow of blood...