Happy New Month!

Happy New Month! July: The seventh month of the year, during which the sun enters the sign Leo. It is so called from Julius, the surname of Caius Caesar, who was born in this month. Before that time, this month was called Quintilis, or the fifth month, according to...


Natality: the birth rate. In philosophy, natality is human innovation. Natality is the human ability to create new ideas out of nothing. Natality comes from the French natalité, which derives from the Latin word natal. Natal means “birthday.” Since today...


Cognoscente: Someone possessing superior knowledge in a particular field, usually the arts; a connoisseur, an aficionado, a discerning expert.  I get the feeling a “cognoscente” is likely a member of the Illuminati of the art world.  Or, based on modern art purchases,...


Connoisseur: A person well versed in any subject; a skillful or knowing person; a critical judge or master of any art, particularly of painting and sculpture. From French connaisseur.  The French word derives from the verb connoître (acquainted, to know).  Father of...


Cognizance: having knowledge of something.  When you possess cognizance, you possess knowledge.  As G. I. Joe says, “Cognizance is half the battle.”  Or, something like that. Cognizance can also mean perception, awareness, the ability to notice things.  Cognizance...