
So far we have worked through Lesson 6. I cannot tell you thank you enough! Today she was on Google translate to hear the pronunciation so she could not only translate it but speak it! And she did it well and translated her sentences perfectly. She has never liked...


This is a repost.  I wrote this in January of 2017.  It still applies.  Especially since we are back to Greece. ======================================================================================= My family and I are very likely moving back to Greece in March.  If...

Annual payment?

I received this question: Is there still a way to pay $250 for the year or is a monthly payment the only option now? Here is my reply: I used to allow people to set up annual payments with a discount of $50 for those who did not want me to grade their work ($250), and...

Heal your brain.

Now and then, I simply borrow someone else’s tip of the week. Since it is 11:45 and I am still up answering emails, I am going to do just that. This tip comes from Bill Myers.  I am doing exactly what he recommends at the moment.  I am listening to soothing music on...

Check this out!

A friend of mine, and a fellow teacher, David Durham is about to launch a Spanish class online.  Many of you have been asking me… “Where do I go to learn Spanish?” You have read my recommendations.  Now, with exitement, I can add another...