How to Set and Hit your Goals: Free Series

During the month of July (2024) Compass Classroom and I are offering a series of free Webinars on Goal Setting.  Find out more right here: To register for the next webinar, simply click here:...

Goals: Latin to the Rescue

Last year I wrote a book on goal setting.  I am now in the process of editing that book.  As I edit, I will post excerpts here on my blog.  This is from chapter four: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Latin...

Goals: Health and fitness are foundational

Health and fitness are foundational Have you ever heard of the fitness brand ASICS? ASICS is an acronym for an old Latin acronym.  It stands for Anima Sana In Corpore Sana. In English, it means a sound mind in a fit body. Like it or not, we need to prioritize our...

Goals: Dream Big

Dream big We are going to create a checklist based on our three main goals.   We already have a healthy goal.   We will create a wealthy goal, and a wise goal, as well. Our goals are based on Benjamin Franklin’s quote. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy,...

Tip of the Week #273: How to sell an Ebook online

The question I receive most is not, “How did you learn Latin?”  Instead, the question I get most is, “How did you learn to make a living online?” The answer is complicated.  To answer, I am writing a book. For years, I have watched in dismay as digital marketers have...

Goals: Start slowly

Inch by inch We are about to create a healthy checklist.  Before we begin constructing a checklist, keep this in mind.  I built a checklist to give myself the life I wanted to live. I want this for you, too.  I want you to live the life you want to live.    I truly...