The Gallic Bore.

Every year, I take students through Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars.  We are back at it again. Before I say anything else, let me point something out… something that I point out all the time. The New Testament is under constant attack by scholars.  It...

Lingua Latina survived

While searching for information on the long defunct Nature Method Language Institute, I ran across an old advertisement. At one time there were French, Spanish, English, Russian and Latin books in the series.   Only the Latin book, Lingua Latina, survived. I have...

Education. Do it yourself.

It’s college season.  Every week now, I get requests from students.  “Would you please write a recommendation letter for me?  I am trying to get into college.” I always do it.  I like to help.  But, I am always conflicted. College, for me, was a...

Graduating? Need some Latin quotes? Here you go.

Every now and then I get requests like this one. Hi! I want to put a Latin message on my daughter’s Graduation sign for our yard.  Do you have any ideas? Thanks! Here is my reply: How about Per aspera ad astra.” It means, to the stars through difficulties....