The Flu

Influenza: an epidemic catarrh. Naturally, you know what a catarrh is. Neither did I. A catarrh is an inflammation of the nose and throat. It is from the Greek κατάρροος, which is basically a “head cold”. Kατάρροος means, “I flow down.” Just use your imagination....

Visual Latin and non-Christians

I received this comment recently: “I just discovered your site and plan to use it to augment your VL course that my daughter and I are taking (home school)..and enjoy.  I also purchased your “Word Up!” which she really enjoyed.  My daughter is a...

Visual Latin or Henle Latin?

This week, I received this inquiry: “We currently own years 1 & 2 of Visual Latin. My daughter is enrolled in Classical Conversations where we use Henle. She is struggling and I am now wondering if we should hold off the Henle and complete years 1 & 2 of...


Adage – a wise saying.  For example:  Eagles soar, but weasels do not get sucked into jet engines.  From Latin ad (to, toward) and agere (to do, to drive). Here are a few more of my favorite adages: Experience is a comb which nature gives us when we are bald....

Butterfly is a strange word…

I was wondering this morning… Why in the world is a butterfly called a butterfly?  Found out more than I ever wanted to know.  Personally, I like the German theory. These insects are actually milk-stealing undercover witches. In Middle English, Butterfly was...


December: the twelfth month of the year. December follows November, and precedes January. In the ancient Roman calendar, December was the tenth month of the year. Naturally, the ancient Romans wanted a creative name for the month, so, they named the month December…...