How to get into the live classes…

When you receive a receipt from my site, be sure to click on the blue SUBSCRIPTION link in the receipt. When the file downloads, open the file.  There you will find the links to the live classes. Access to the previous classes on my site is a different registration....

It has come to this…

IMPORTANT! When you join a class, you should receive a link to a PDF.  Inside that PDF are the links to the live classes.  PLEASE verify that you have those before emailing me.  I may not be able to respond to you for days. The name of the link is SUBSCRIPTION.  It is...

Well… it has finally happened.

Tim Ferris (of Four-Hour Work Week Fame) has this note at the end of all of his emails: DUE TO VOLUME, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SADLY, WE ARE UNABLE TO READ 1,000+ MESSAGES PER DAY. After putting it off for years, I am going to have to take the same action....

Annual payment?

I received this question: Is there still a way to pay $250 for the year or is a monthly payment the only option now? Here is my reply: I used to allow people to set up annual payments with a discount of $50 for those who did not want me to grade their work ($250), and...

After First Year Latin by Robert Henle?

I received this question: My son took your Latin Henle Year 1 last year.  We are trying to figure out which class would be the best next step for him to take.  What would you suggest? Here is my reply: Since he has finished First Year Latin by Robert Henle, it really...

Now’s your chance…

Every Saturday, I send out a tip of the week.  I also include announcements, upcoming classes, and so on.  If you would like to hear from me every weekend, sign up for my weekly updates here: [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″]   I don’t like to use my...